
GOT Blog

Actor Draft - Ellen

I found a picture online with the headline, “Who Would You Bring Back for 1 Final Movie?” followed by pictures of great actors who unfortunately are no longer with us. I found this picture extremely interesting and wanted to put the Going Off Topic spin on it. I came up with the idea of having a “draft” with four friends, each of them writing a blog on it, and then having each of them on the podcast for a more in-depth discussion. The following is Ellen’s blog kicking off the series. Make sure to check out the other blogs and podcasts on this topic!

Power Ranking:

Actors Blog Picture.JPG
  1. Robin Williams

  2. Heath Ledger

  3. James Dean

  4. Audrey Hepburn

  5. Michael Clarke Duncan

  6. Philip Seymour Hoffman

  7. Alan Rickman

  8. Brittany Murphy

  9. John Belushi

  10. Chris Farley

  11. Bernie Mac

  12. Marilyn Monroe

  13. Patrick Swayze

  14. Paul Walker

  15. Bruce Lee

I would like to add that this was the hardest part of this blog… how in the name of Christ do you rank these legends!?!?!

Draft Analysis: Okay this was for real stressful to try and pick from all of these awesome actors and actresses! I second guessed myself with every pick, but I think I ended up with a strong group. So, my draft strategy did not exist. I will be honest, I don’t watch a ton of movies and my husband makes fun of the limited number of legit classics that I have seen. I’ll level with you, Kyle introduced me to Christmas Vacation, Animal House, The Godfather, among many others. Now that we are on the same page, I’m sure you can understand why I had no strategy. But somehow, I ended up with three people whose movies I have actually seen, at least a few of their movies… Soooooo here’s what I ended up with…

Robin Williams:


Robin Williams. I had the first pick and how could I pass up on Robin freakin Williams! (Yes, that is his full name I’m pretty sure) I won’t lie though, I struggled between him and Heath Ledger because I LOVE Heath and I was DESTROYED when he passed. Like, I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news, so there’s that. Anyway, Robin Williams is honestly one of the greats. He has so many different roles from comedy (obvi) to drama and I can say that I have enjoyed every movie of his that I have seen. The Birdcage, come on, that movie is a classic and I love everything about it! Dead Poets Society is a more serious role and he’s fabulous in that film. Robin is a gem and the world is a sadder place without him. Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Morning Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, Aladdin, Dead Poets Society, Night at the Museum, Happy Feet, Flubber, The Birdcage, Jumaji, Hook, Mork & Mindy, plus his stand up comedy….arguably one of the greatest careers ever.


Brittany Murphy:

So, for my next pick I was going to go with Heath, but SOMEONE picked him. I won’t name names here but *cough* JAMES *cough*… and so, there I was second guessing every thought I had for my next pick, until I landed on Brittany Murphy and I ain’t mad about it. Whenever I think about Brittany Murphy I think about Tai from Clueless. What an awesome movie! I’d like to say “thank you” to my sister, Julia, who owned this movie on VHS, which is how I was introduced to its majesty. From what I have seen, she did a lot of rom coms but there ain’t nothing wrong with a good rom com, am I right? Also, she’s in 8 Mile, which I find so random.


Audrey Hepburn:

For my last pick, I decided on Audrey Hepburn over the few that were left because I had seen more of her movies. Let’s go back to the statement “I don’t watch a ton of movies” … “more of her movies” meant I have seen three of her movies… three. Killin’ it over here! Anyway, I was introduced to My Fair Lady early on in life and I have always loved the movie, so this was the main reason I chose Audrey.

Movie Pitch, Obliviously Undercover:

After picking these three, I have been struggling to come up with a movie idea, mostly because I have no creative concepts when it comes to things like that. Need me to piggyback a song Weird Al style? I got you covered! Need a movie pitch? Crickets in the brain. So, here we go!!

In this critically acclaimed comedy, Robin Williams and Audrey Hepburn are undercover cops that have been working on a huge drug bust over the past year. They are both pretty awful cops and have been making no headway in the case and are on the verge of being shut down, until Brittany Murphy starts working with them. Murphy plays the main drug lords’ lover who is sick of him running around on her.  Murphy is street smart and figures out that Williams and Hepburn are not actually in the drug game, so she confronts them about being cops and says she wants to help bring her drug-lord-lover down. Murphy’s attempts to feed information to Williams and Hepburn, all while trying to maintain their undercover identities, is guaranteed to give you washboard abs!