Much like Thomas my number dipped quite a bit from Q1 for a few different reasons. Ellen and I used to be on different work schedules so when I got off work I could watch a few episodes of a TV show that I was watching. Our schedules are back in sync so we are watching more things together now then ever. I also committed to a few longer running shows in Q1 that are carrying over to Q2. Things also started to open up a little more from the pandemic so we were able to get out and do more. I finished 2 TV shows and have 4 in progress, I watched 12 movies, played one video game, and read 4 books.
Read MoreWell this quarter looked vastly different than the last. I thought I would be able to get through even more content because I was home for much of the quarter on parental leave. But, you would think I would know that having two toddlers and an infant at home would be anything but a time to consume content. I only take into account anything that is new to me, so for instance I am not counting the 21 days straight my toddler made me watch Ratatouille since I have seen that before. In total, I watched 6 full tv shows (and a couple seasons or episodes of 4 others), 1 comedy special, 7 movies, and played 6 video games.
Read MoreEarlier this year Thomas released a blog of everything he watched during the Covid-19 lockdown. This idea got us thinking that we should do this every quarter. Below you will find my Q1 Media Check-In (Movies, TV, Video Games, and Books), we released Thomas’ earlier last week. What did you watch during Q1?
Read MoreWhen Kyle asked me if I wanted to continue to track what I was watching, I was excited. I also thought it might be much more balanced. Then, I watched 35 movies in January and realized that movies was going to be my focus area for this quarter. I did watch some tv shows and I did play some video games but my primary consumption was movies. I tried to be more well rounded, adding in some horror, some artistic films, and widening the range of release date. In total, I watched 75 movies, 1 documentary, 5 tv shows, and played 3 video games.
Read MoreThomas is back! He recorded everything he watched from the start of Quarantine to the end of the year and wanted to share with the network. This sparked an for me to record everything I watch and release a quarterly blog with my thoughts. Check this out and come back for our quarterly thoughts!
Read More“Back in my day we used to walk to school uphill both ways in 6 feet of snow.” Everyone has heard this story from a parent or grandparent as a kid. I am starting a new segment called “Old Man on the Corner: Shit I Don’t Understand.” In this segment I will look at random things (mainly in pop culture or entertainment) that I don’t understand why they are popular. Let’s have some fun!
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