
GOT Blog

Posts tagged Sports
Media and Pop Culture I am Thankful For 2020

2020 has not turned out the way any of us could have imagined but that does not mean there aren’t things to be thankful for. Of course I am thankful for all of my family, friends, health etc. but this is the Going Off Topic blog and with that in mind we are going to throw a twist in the idea. Let’s look at some of the media and pop culture I am thankful for.

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My Broncos Offensive Dream Team: 1988-2020

A few weeks back I wrote an article titled, “My Cardinals Dream Team: 1995-2020.” I reached out to a few friends of the Anything But Credible Network to see if they would be interested in writing a similar article for their favorite sports franchises. A Network favorite, Thomas, wrote an article on his favorite NFL franchise, The Denver Broncos. This is going to be split into two articles so make sure to check back for the defense!

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Want to Inject Fun into Sports? Check Out These New Rules

Everyone loves complaining about rules in sports and how new changes can improve the game. What if we looked at sports and implemented some fun rule changes that would be ridiculous but still add some excitement?

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