Old Man in the Room: Shit I Don't Understand
“Back in my day we used to walk to school uphill both ways in 6 feet of snow.” Everyone has heard this story from a parent or grandparent as a kid. I am starting a new segment called “Old Man in the Room: Shit I Don’t Understand.” In this segment I will look at random things (mainly in pop culture or entertainment) that are popular and I don’t understand why. Let’s have some fun!
Shit I Don’t Understand
HGTV: My wife is obsessed with some of the shows on HGTV and I flat out don’t understand her love. Neither of us are handy people. Sure, maybe you can get some ideas for future projects around your house but let’s be honest, how many of those projects are you actually going to do? Another thing that annoys me about these shows are the people in them. It doesn’t matter what show you are watching because every single person is the same and they overreact to every little thing. One of my favorite things is when they are looking at the old house and the customer says, “I really don’t like the wallpaper here.” Oh you don’t like the wallpaper? No kidding! It’s hideous as shit but guess what, even I could rip some wallpaper down. HGTV is something I don’t understand.
Teacup Dogs: This one doesn’t really matter but I honestly don’t understand the infatuation with tiny animals and tiny dogs, to be more specific. The true problem I have is the “teacup” dogs, they baffle me. The only time I think it’s acceptable to get one of these is when you are older and can’t really take care of a bigger dog. Other then that I think it’s crazy to get a “teacup” size dog, what in the hell can you do with that thing? I have seen people walking them but you look absolutely ridiculous, let’s be honest. Is it because you can fit your puppy in a cup? I don’t get it. Also, most of these dogs are crazy expensive because, from my understanding, they have to be specially bread. Teacup dogs are something I don’t understand.
Billie Eilish: Okay this one might just be because I am the old man in this situation. I have listened to some of her music and I legitimately do not understand the fan following. She seems like a nice girl who has a lot of good things to say but her music/style just doesn’t make sense to me. I definitely listen to new music and try to stay up on new things as well. That is one of the great things about music though, certain genres are not for everyone. But Billie Eilish is something I don’t understand.
YouTube/Twitch Streamers: This one might be my hottest take but watching someone play a video game is insane to me. Why wouldn’t you just play the damn game yourself? I understand if you’re stuck on something and you’re trying to figure it out because I have definitely done that, but watching someone play Grand Theft Auto online with their friends is baffling to me. Someone please explain this to me. I kind of understand watching someone play Fortnite or that kind of game if they are really good. But subscribing to them on YouTube or Twitch and watching every one of their videos just seems so foolish to me. How in the hell are their streamers making millions of dollars playing video games while other people watch? What a time to be alive. Video game streamers are something I don’t understand.
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